FAQ: NEW Pizzeria!
1) What is the Pizzeria? It is a weekly collectible that players can slowly build by unlocking, learning and mastering recipes. Recipes are released on a week by week basis

2) When does it come out?
Tuesday February 22nd 2011
3) What’s the first thing I need to do to get it?
To get started you will need to learn and master the Pizza Vegetariana recipe. You can find this in your menu under Mains, or click on the Pizzeria icon to be taken to the Pizzeria area!

2) When does it come out?

Tuesday February 22nd 2011
3) What’s the first thing I need to do to get it?
To get started you will need to learn and master the Pizza Vegetariana recipe. You can find this in your menu under Mains, or click on the Pizzeria icon to be taken to the Pizzeria area!